Create the Perfect Watermark

Do it yourself, all in your web browser.

Unique Signature Logo

Create your own unique signature logo. Add swashes, alternate character styles, add custom tagline text and make your signature look professional and authentic.

Add a tagline
Add a logo
Alternate characters
Add a swash

Custom Text Watermarks

Create a watermark from scratch by customizing it with your own text, font, color and style. Choose from hundreds of fonts, add copyright symbols and more.

Hundreds of fonts
Upload custom fonts
Copyright symbols
Fully customizable

Import Your Logo

Upload your logo or import it from your Dropbox, Google Drive, or from several other locations. Remove the background, adjust size, rotation and transparency.

Background removal
Customize opacity
Add diagonal lines
Tiled watermarking

Batch Watermarking

Watermark hundreds of photos and videos (together) at a time!

Automated Watermarking

Save time using watermark templates to apply your watermark.

More watermarking features

Everything you need for watermarking quickly and easily.

Tiled Watermarks

Place your watermark across your entire photo if it suits you.

Diagonal Lines

Draw diagonal lines across your file and insert your watermark in the middle.

Edit Metadata

Edit the Metadata of your files and insert your own text.

No download or installation required.

Instantly accessible from all your devices.

© by Much Media Inc

Made in Canada